Career Strategy Workbook.

Unlock your dream career with evidence-based strategies that will help you become a strategic thinker, whilst supporting your professional development.

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Career Strategy Workbook

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What you’ll get by downloading this FREE resource:

Inside this 60-page workbook, you’ll find a Career Strategy Activities and a collection is valuable resources that will educate you about strategic thinking, whilst being relevant to your professional journey.

✓ Corporate Strategy Insights, relevant to your professional development

✓ Current State Analysis Activity

✓ Journey Map Activity

✓ Personal Values Activity

✓ Vision Board Activity

I created this workbook after spending 10+ years in the corporate strategy trenches, learning through trial and error and making a bunch of mistakes along the way.

Download the workbook and I’ll send a copy straight to your inbox!

Who is this workbook for?

👉 Emerging Leaders
Are you an early or mid career professional who wants to avoid a lot of trial and error as you embark on your career? This workbook will give you greater clarity and direction for your career - and life!

👉 Experienced Leaders
If you're a senior leader, you’ve probably been looking for resources that are practical for your professional development. This workbook will be a way of identifying what’s important to you and will guide you towards a path more aligned with your future goals. You’ll get a lot out of this if have an open attitude to learning and doing new things!

Meet your career strategist, Jessica Kahl.

With a 10+ year career in designing corporate strategies and career development programs, I have worked my way up from an entry-level position to a Director role in London. My passion for career development and strategy made me realise that the techniques I employ to drive organisational success can be scaled and tailored to an individual's career pathway. This epiphany led me to create 'Your Career Centre' so that I could provide strategic development resources and support to professionals looking to accelerate their careers.

Starting the business has enabled me to positively impact hundreds of professionals around the world - something I would never have been able to achieve otherwise.

I continue to learn about cutting-edge corporate strategies in London, whilst running Dream Big Australia, a charity committed to empowering early-career women to achieve their full potential in STEAM careers.

I also regularly share career insights designed to address some of the biggest challenges that you face in your career. I’ve designed these practical, fail-proof strategies to help you advance your career, navigate roadblocks, and achieve your goals faster.